On the 1st of December the Conservative Foreign Commonwealth Council hosted a fantastic event at the House of Lords.

Chaired by the Baroness Hodgson the event commenced with an exceptional panel of extraordinary women whose careers, ranging from diplomacy, defence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, politics, and business.

The first one to talk was the HE Gaitri I. Kumar, High-Commissioner of India followed by Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, Baroness Fiona Hodgson, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne and Baroness Jenkin of Kennington.

Each of them was very inspirational as they shared their own their own experiences, about their careers and, in sectors where women have often been underrepresented, they discussed how this has evolved over the course of their careers and what has or can be done to further increase representation.

Rebeca Riofrio member of the CFCC also the chairwoman of the Parliamentary Society for Arts, Fashion and Sports attended the event with members of the society, Doctor Sophia Bouzian, lawyer Julia Muller, Jeweller Anastasia Iva and Award winner actress Lili Rich.

Many thanks to the Melissa Crawshay-Williams and Julia Kernick for the wonderful organisation of the event.